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John Ireland

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards,”

At the weekend I met with a group of people I was at college with over 30 years ago.

Its a curious life affirming, perspective creating, experience seeing yourself through the eyes of people (some of whom) you haven’t seen for over 30 years.

The potential, hopes and aspirations of the 20 somethings we had once been, was palpable over the course of the day. Along with the fears and rules we had made up about how we were meant to be in order to achieve them.

And it was great to see what had been achieved and the circuitous route we had taken to get where we are today, showing there is no set path in life, only persistence.

At any given moment, we decide what’s most important to us, consider our options and, sometimes consciously, mostly unconsciously, make our choice.

And if I wanted that 20 something version of myself to know anything it would be to have more fun, be kinder, be clearer about what you want and not to wait for other’s permission, know that you have agency.

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