I have spent many hours waiting for the phone to ring.
As an actor that was the way of things, or so I thought. Looking back the smart ones around me wrote things, put on shows, joined classes - created their own luck. While I tried to be patient and got bar work.
Again in TV my tendency was to wait for a call or email. I’d politely send my CV but otherwise wait, as patiently as I could manage. I didn’t go to events, I didn’t take ideas to companies. In reality, I wasn’t taking action. I was coasting.
In my 20s someone said to me, the thing with you is that you think it’s all going to land on your lap and I thought, yes, that’s the plan. And, to some extent, it’s a good that I had faith that something would happen.
But in truth it never did land in my lap. It was when I took action that something happened.
And now I think there’s little gift in thinking it will come to me. The gift for me has been in realising that I get to create my opportunities, ask for what I want, and be willing to be comfortable in the discomfort of doing that.