It’s so easy to make assumptions and I make assumptions ALL the time.
On the plus side, assumptions are mental shortcuts that make sense of the world quickly and can be incredibly useful in saving us time and mental energy.
Like assuming the sun will rise tomorrow means we can plan our day without anxiety.
In familiar situations, assumptions streamline our decision-making, allowing us to function more efficiently.
However, assumptions can also mislead us and because they prove so useful in many circumstances it’s easy to be seduced by them.
Assumptions about people, for example, can foster misunderstandings and prejudice when in the absence of observable behaviour, the assumptions will most likely reflect our own biases, fears, or past experiences rather than the reality of a situation.
When I think I may be making an assumption I ask myself (at least) two questions;
What evidence do I have for this (assumption)?
How helpful to me is this assumption?
Questioning our assumptions and seeking more information makes relationships, whether professional or personal, much easier.